
Thursday, August 5, 2010

The 700 Block of Water Street over time.

As you know, I collect Kerrville and Kerr County photographs.  One of the things I like to do is look at images of the same area over time.  One of the intersections that has been very popular with photographers has been the intersection of Earl Garrett and Water Streets, facing northwest toward Sidney Baker Street. Today this intersection has a big star in the pavement, the Heritage Star.  Here are some images of that intersection over time.

Click on any image to enlarge
Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, before 1900

Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, around 1920.
Note the little tree on the left next to the Schreiner Bank.

Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, around 1925

Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, around 1950.
That tree by the old Schreiner Bank just keeps growing.

Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, around 1955.
Note that the tree is gone.

Water Street looking toward Sidney Baker Street, taken in 2007,
taken the day the Schreiner Department Store closed.

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1 comment:

  1. I wish we could post photos here. I have a postcard image of that same vantage point sometime in the 1970s - what I refer to as downtown's ugly phase. Lots of clunky facades, power lines and signage in that shot.


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