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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Historic photos of Kerrville's old Blue Bonnet Hotel

I enjoy collecting historic photographs of Kerrville and Kerr County, as well as items of historic interest.  For example, in my collection I have several items from the old Blue Bonnet Hotel which stood at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett streets.  (In those days, Earl Garrett Street extended to the edge of the river bluff.)
  • I have the telephone switchboard from the Blue Bonnet
  • I have a bar of soap (in its paper wrapper) from the Blue Bonnet
  • I have three room doors from the Blue Bonnet (each with their numbers and louvered windows)
  • and I have a towel from the Blue Bonnet
If you have items from Kerrville or Kerr County, please don't throw them away.  I would like them for my collection.  Most of the things brought to me were brought by someone who said "I was going to throw this away, but I thought you might like it...."  Usually the answer is "Yes!" I would like it. 
Click on any photo below to enlarge.
The Blue Bonnet Hotel, taken from Sid Peterson Hospital

The Blue Bonnet Hotel from an old postcard

The Blue Bonnet Hotel around 1930
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  1. So, it was at the corner of Sidney Baker and Main? We tore it down to make a parking garage and a cell phone store?

  2. The old hotel was at the corner of Water and Earl Garrett; the parking lot across the street from Francisco's Restaurant (next to Bank of America) was the location.

  3. Right. That was what I was thinking based on the pep rally photo you posted today. It makes sense now.

  4. Joe, There is a possibility that the front door of my current home is the original front door of the old bluebonnet hotel. Any chance there is someone out there with a photo that could prove or disprove that possibility? Thanks Larry Graham (


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