
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kerr-View Farms Ephemera

A friend sent along photos of something I'd never seen: a box from Kerr-View Farms for a broiler chicken.  I have some items from Kerr-View in my collection, but all of the things have to do with dairy products.  I didn't know they raised chickens!

Click on any image to enlarge
Kerr-View Farms "Battery Fattened" Broiler,
from the collection of Anne Seidensticker

Another view.  From the collection of Anne Seidensticker

Kerr-View ice cream sign, from my collection.

Kerr-View Farms milk caps.  Love the Tubercular Free Herd slogan.
From my collection.
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1 comment:

  1. I think my weight problem is caused because I'm also battery fattened.


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