
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kerrville children, carefree as a Norman Rockwell painting

 The theme for these four shots is children, and the simple life they led here in the late 1960s.  I recognize several people in these photos, but I'd appreciate any help you could provide.

Click on any image to enlarge
A field trip to the Kerrville Post Office, late 1960s.
Mrs. Margie Rollins on the far left; Glenn Meadows on the far right.

A boy and his dog, Kerrville, late 1960s.

Chidren with white tail doe.  The cat doesn't seem happy.

Good Turn Day, 1967, Kerrville.
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1 comment:

  1. Joe, what neat photos! I'm so glad you've joined High Calling Blogs. I look forward to seeing you around the network. (Marcus said you were a friend of his. I'm glad to "meet" you on the web.)


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