
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Life in Kerr County Photographs, late 1960s.

Life here in Kerrville and Kerr County is like life anywhere: there are days of joy and days of pain.  Here are four photographs from the late 1960s which show a wide range of emotions, and reflect our community's effort to "bloom where we are planted," with the lot that has befallen us.

Click on any image to enlarge
We play together.  Children with boats after a rain, 1968.

We grieve together.  Tommie and Doris Chenault, parents of
Robert Glenn Chenault, recieve his medals
after he was killed in Vietnam, 1968

The young lady is Valna Sauer Cox, who was engaged to Glenn.

We work together.  Furnishing a new school, 1968.

We volunteer together.  Lions Club members, 1968.

We build together.  Tom Daniels and Carlos Sneed plant a tree
at the new Tom Daniels Elementary campus, 1968.
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  1. Lem Neely is in the "We volunteer together" photo.

  2. I remember the day the Chenaults got the news about Glen. I worked with Glen at Evans Foodstore,where th Haskell Fine Medical Center is. It was a sad day. Tommy was the manager of the store. Glen was a good man and treated all of us kindly. it was a terrible tragedy and a great loss. Daniel Craft

  3. The first pic is on Harper St. and here is a Google Streets link (if allowed) to what that corner looks like now.,-99.150469&spn=0.000787,0.003272&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=30.061346,-99.15047&panoid=lNQK5kQNYR1X12GQQCp6cQ&cbp=12,79.11,,0,0

    Still not sure but the two burr-headed boys might be myself and little brother Mike (Mickey) Meyners.

  4. If that does turn out to be my brother and I with the burrs in the first pic, I'd place it closer to '65-66.

  5. The boy wearing the plaid shorts in the "Play" pic may be Michael Crenshaw who lived a couple of houses down from this spot.


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