
Thursday, August 5, 2010

More historic photos of Water Street in Kerrville

My friend Lanza Teague sent over some photos of Water Street from her collection to compliment the ones I posted here earlier today.  Lanza and I are photo-hunters, and we work together on Kerr County photos.  We're kind of like the velociraptors in the movie 'Jurassic Park:' we hunt in packs.
Lanza has kindly allowed me to present her photos here.
Click on any image to enlarge.
Water Street, Kerrville.  From the collection of Lanza Teague.

Schreiner Bank, at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett.
This was across Water from the Schreiner Department Store.
  From the collection of Lanza Teague.

Water Street, probably around 1920.  Pampell's is on the far right.
The Rector's building is on the left.
  From the collection of Lanza Teague.

Water Street, looking northwest toward Sidney Baker, late 1960s.
Taken from the intersection of Water and Washington Streets.
Schreiner Bank has been sheathed in a fancy façade.
From the collection of Lanza Teague.

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  1. The photo that shows Schreiner Bank:

    (Caption reads:
    "Schreiner Bank, at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett.")

    is one of my favorite photos. It reminds me of the Kerrville I remember as a young man.

    Thank you, Joe, for posting all the old photos that you have posted over the years.

    We are truly grateful.

    The title, "Kerr County Historian" fits you very well. It is a badge of honor because it wasn't just handed to you; you earned it!

  2. I discovered something that is very interesting to me. The second photo shows the Schreiner Bank. The beginning of the caption is, "Schreiner Bank, at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett."

    What I find interesting is that the bank appears to be much smaller than I remember it. I'm speaking of the bank's depth (front to back). It doesn't look to be a very large building. I can't tell if the bank building is as it appears, or whether it is a photographic optical illusion.


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