
Sunday, August 8, 2010

The story behind the photo of both the old and new Peterson Hospitals in Kerrville

Several of you have asked about the photo showing the new Peterson Regional Medical Center seemingly rising from the ruins of the old Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital.   How was it shot?
Click on image to enlarge
The new Peterson Regional Medical Center, as seen through the
remaining parts of Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital.
I'm embarrassed to say how I shot this photo.  I used my cell phone, a Blackberry Curve, and I took the picture through  my pair of binoculars.  This shot took four tries.  That's why the image is not as clear as it probably should be.  Then I emailed the photo from my phone directly to the blog, and added some of the text later.

Now a good photographer could do a much better job.

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      1. You are one wired dude! :)

      2. That is hilarious! I didn't even know it was possible to do something like that.

      3. Cool idea! I'll have to Google map a location and try that myself :)


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