
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tivy High School Pep Rallies in Downtown Kerrville

Though to some it may seem like ancient history, there was a time when there was a pep rally in downtown Kerrville for every home football game.  These were held at the intersection of Earl Garrett and Water Streets, where the "Heritage Star" is today.  The reason: there was a time when visiting teams stayed at the Blue Bonnet Hotel.  When I was a student at Tivy High School, these pep rallies still occurred before each home football game; the parade would assemble at Tivy Stadium, march down Sidney Baker Street, turn left on Water Street, and proceed to the intersection by the Blue Bonnet Hotel.  Here are some images of pep rallies (before my time!) from my collection of historic Kerr County photographs.
Click on any image to enlarge
Tivy Marching Band, in the 700 Block of Water

Tivy Band surrounding Tivy Cheerleaders, mid-1950s

Tivy Cheerleaders at a Downtown Pep Rally, even though
this was a different year than the image above,
the time on the Schreiner Bank clock is about the same

Tivy Pep Rally taken from the Schreiner Company building;
note the Blue Bonnet Hotel in background
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  1. These old pictures are so cool, Joe. It makes me wonder how hard it would be to do something like this again for a few games.

  2. I love these blog articles and had to smile at this one because my lovely mother is among the members of the marching band in these photos.

    But what about Major Kerr? Don't leave him dangling out there, a mystery man in the mists of time. Are we ever going to know his secret?? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Yes, Lanza, your mother was a cute sophomore when that picture was taken in the Fall of '56, for that is Gary Ebensberger leading the band as drum major.

  4. This should be an ongoing tradition to keep up the spirit an morale of TIVY....It also help drive the heartbeat of Kerrille, the historical downtown....We need more things like this to bring folks to the central business district. Tivy fight never dies!

  5. Lanza's mother was, and still is, my dearest friend from Tivy. I was the band twirler in the middle of the sextet in that photo. I loved the pep rallies, too. We also enjoyed huge bonfires and shirttail parades the evening before homecoming games.

  6. In the bottom photo I can see the top of the old red brick building that was part of the ice plant.
    I love old photos of the ice plant. It was a very big part of my life.

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