
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who was Sid Peterson?

Sid "Cap" Peterson
His name is in the news a lot lately, with the demolition of the Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital.
Bob Bennett, in his history of Kerr County writes: “Sid Peterson, affectionately and respectfully known as “Cap,” was born in Lavaca County on January 15, 1868. He moved with his parents to Gonzales County when he was an infant. The family came to Kerr County in 1880. As a youth, Sid C. Peterson went up the trail to Kansas with cattle herds; in his later years he became one of the most substantial ranchmen and landholders in the Hill Country. In 1898 he married Myrta Goss, daughter of Spence Goss, who was wounded in a fight with Indians in western Kerr County in 1857.
“Sid C. Peterson died in 1939, and Mrs. Myrta Peterson died in 1951.
“Kerrville took another stride forward as a leading Southwest Texas medical center when the Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital was formally opened on July 3, 1949. This million-dollar hospital, modern to the last detail, was built by the Sid Peterson Foundation.”
Myrta "Carrie" and Sid "Cap" Peterson
Hal Peterson only had one regret about the project, wishing they’d named it after both of their parents, calling it the Sid and Myrta Peterson Hospital.

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  1. I'm glad we didn't have so say that mouthful of a name, "Sid and Myrta"

  2. Perhaps it would have been "Cap & Carrie." :-)


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