
Thursday, September 30, 2010

1913 Tivy Football team

Thanks to Jan Wilkinson, I now have a history of football at Tivy.  Here's a photo of the 1913 team -- the first year the team had uniforms, though the boys had to pay for the uniforms themselves.  This image was published in the Kerrville Daily Times in 1957, accompanying an article written by Eugene T. Butt, the second son of Charles and Florence Butt.
Click on image to enlarge
1913 Tivy Football Team, Kerrville.
Standing: Doyle Grinstead, Clifford Freeman, John Williams, Dan Auld, Leonard Denton,
Coach Alvin Dille, C Jones, and F. Jones
Seated: Sam Drake, Ed Allen, Jim Gumn, Harry Dietert, Gerald Walther

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