
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cattle Trough? Picnic Table? Depends on the year.

I've known Wheeler Mosty a very long time, having attended the same church together for decades.   Wheeler told me something about Westland Park, the little city park on the corner of East Water and Woodlawn streets in Kerrville.
The park has a large picnic table with stone benches.  It's very large.  About the size of a cattle trough.
Seems during the days the area was part of the Lewis Dairy, there was indeed a trough on the farm.  Later, when the park was built, a top was made from concrete, and viola, the trough is now a table!

Click on any image to enlarge
Picnic Table, Westland Park, taken today

Picnic Table, Westland Park, taken today

Easter Egg Hunt, Westland Park, about 1965.
Isn't the little boy 5th from the right on the front row cute?  :-)

Lewis Dairy, Kerrville, about 1920

Lewis Diary, Kerrville, about 1920
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  1. WOW that is cool! I remember that table when I would take the boys to the park in the late 80's -90. Now the boys are 27, 25 and 21. Don't think Emily ever made it there, she is now 17!

    Mary and Randy McCarty

  2. Wheeler would know!! And, yep, that little boy is a doll. So is my cousin (who just celebrated a birthday "ending in 0" (her words) 1st row left. Can you name them all, Joe?


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