
Friday, September 3, 2010

Mystery Solved -- the Hart Family in their drug store -- Kerrville, 1920s

Yesterday I posted an image of a family standing in a small drugstore -- and wrote:
Some of the images in my collection of historical photographs of Kerrville and Kerr County are a complete mystery.

Take this one, of the interior of a drug store I assume in Kerrville.   It's an interesting image, but I love some of the small details.  The apron on the little boy.  The various advertisements for tobacco products.  The long soda fountain bar.  (Man, I wish I had that long soda fountain!) 
The phone number is listed as Main 6040, which may be a clue.  The narrowness of the building might be another.
If any of you photo sleuths have an idea, please let me know.
It didn't take long for people to suggest the family in the photo was the Hart family.  I contacted William Spencer Hart, an attorney in Kerrville, and got this response:
"The mystery Drug Sote Photo is a photo of my Grandfather, James Rufus ("Doc") Hart, my dad James R.('Jinx") Hart and my grandmother Hart.  I have a copy on my office wall.  But I don't know where or when it was taken.  I can work on this   You may also want to read the Article that was in the West Kerr Current about 2 0r 3 years ago about "Hart's on Water St. since 1930"

Thanks everyone for your help in solving this mystery!

Click on image to enlarge
Hart's Pharmacy, Kerrville, 1920s.
James (Jinx) Hart, James (Doc) Hart, and Mrs. Hart
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