
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday Nostalgia -- images from "Mayberry."

I like the photos in my collection that show a simpler time, a time when you felt like you knew everyone in town, when you walked down the street, people said hello.  These photos make me feel that way.  Perhaps it's just that they're black and white, I don't know.

If you recognize anyone, please add their names in the comments below.  It's easy to comment, and you don't have to register or anything, and you don't have to put your real name.  You can make up a "handle."

Click on any image to enlarge
A party, Kerrville, late 1960s.  I recognize the late Josephine "Dodo" Parker.

Tivy Royalty, Homecoming, either 1967 or 1968, Kerrville

Tivy High School Science Lab, Kerrville.  I recognize Betsy Ross.

Winn's Girl, Kerrville, late 1960s. 
(She contacted me: her name is Franziska "Frankie" Borkowski Schmiz.)
Winn's was at 423 Main Street.


  1. The Winn's Girl is Franziska Borkowski, class of 1968.
    I think the girl with Betsy is Heather Sutherland.
    The twirler looks like Cindy Brundrett, but she was a cheerleader so I'm probably wrong on that one. The middle boy looks like Bobby Barr maybe.

  2. I think the girl with Betsy is Janice Wagner.

  3. Top photo: The women on the left are Madge Reid and Schotzy Crouch.
    The man in front of Ace is Hondo...


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