
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kerrville from the air, April 1972

We found a wrinkled envelope in my files this week marked "Air Shots/Kerr Co./4-72" which contained color negatives (which were also wrinkled).  When these were scanned, several of us spent time looking at the big iMac monitor taking in the image.  To me the color was beautiful, even if the reds were over-saturated and the blues had melted a bit.
The vast bulk of my collection of old Kerrville and Kerr County photographs are black and white.  Color is rare.  But it's interesting -- at least to me -- how much color effects perception.  In my opinion, these color images tug more memories out of my old, gray attic.  Even though the color is unreal in these reproductions, it evokes a response that black and white images don't.  I hope you enjoy these images as much as we did here.

Click on any image to enlarge
Kerrville, April 1972

Kerrville, April 1972

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