
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Then and Now: Skeleton of the Mill on Water Street

Christian Dietert built a mill on Water Street, a mill that later was owned by Captain Charles Schreiner. It was located near where One Schreiner Center is today, in the 800 block of Water Street. There are many photos of the old mill in my collection.   Here are some with images I took on Saturday, October 2, 2010, paired with images of the old mill.

Click on any image to enlarge
Jesse Grinstead, publisher of the Kerrville Mountain Sun.
This image was on a glass plate.  Kerrville,around 1900
I believe it was a campaign photo.

The wall where Grinstead posed.

Grinstead's son (right) and the Comparette boy.
Kerrville, around 1900

Taken just to the left of where the boys were standing.  Shot October 2, 2010.

J. E. Grinstead, from glass plate, around 1900, Kerrville
This is the old mill dam.  Note the cypress posts
Riverbed today.  Note the grassy line in the limestone, and the square holes.
This is the outline of the old dam.


  1. I'm wondering where two of these photos were taken in relationship to the foundation of the old red brick building.

    Photo # 2 that is described as "The wall where Grinstead posed," and photo # 4 that is described as "Taken just to the left of where the boys were standing. Shot October 2, 2010." are the two photos in question.

    If I stand where the red brick building used to stand, where would these two structures be located?

    Would I easily be able to walk down to the river and find the two sites? Please keep in mind that my legs are ancient which sometimes makes walking a task.

    Do you know how the two structures were used "back in the day?"

    I wish I lived near Kerrville so that I could check out these two sites today.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Joe,

    Someday I hope to return to Kerrville for a visit.

    When I do, I would like to go to the riverbank behind the site of the old ice plant.

    Are there steps that lead down to that part of the river? If so, could you tell me where they are located? Are they sturdy enough for someone who is older than the hills to walk down?


    1. There are indeed stairs you can use to walk to the base of the old ice house. They're located just to the right of the new "Pavilion" at the bluff-end of what used to be Earl Garrett street. (It's a bank parking lot today; the City abandoned that snippet of street long ago.)
      The ice house itself has been turned into an observation area. If you were to travel Washington street toward the river, you'd just about drive on top of it. Both the pavilion and the ice house are easy to access; the steps down are a bit more tricky.

  3. Outstanding comparison of old and new photos, Joe.
    Thanks for sharing them with us.


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