
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Then and Now: the Weston Building in Kerrville

I found this great old photo in my files of a team of horses and two wagons in front of the Weston Building, which now houses Francisco's Restaurant.   If my count is right, there are 8 animals pulling those two wagons, including the one the freighter is riding.   I guess this is an 8 horsepower rig.   I think the photo was taken at the turn of the last century, but by whom, I have no idea.

Click on any image to enlarge.
Freighter, Kerrville, around 1900, on Earl Garrett Street, (then called Mountain Street)
facing Water Street.  He must have been hauling a heavy load.

The Weston Building today, home of Francisco's Restaurant.
Taken October 18, 2010


  1. I wonder what the horse power is of those "rigs" in the picture from last week...

  2. I love all your posts! This is so cool. I'm only 25, but I grew up here in Kerrville and I'm completely amazed by all of the history you've found. Thanks!


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