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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Then & Now: Hand drawn map of 700 Block of Water Street, Kerrville

I love old maps of Kerrville.  My friend Julius Neunhoffer brought by this map of the 700 block of Water Street in Kerrville, drawn to show the block as it looked around 1940.  This is the block where the Sid Peterson Hospital stood, and where the Charles Schreiner Company store is currently being remodeled.
Thanks, Julius, for sharing this map with us.
Click on image to enlarge
700 Block of Water Street, Kerrville, around 1940.


  1. I love the legend on this map: trees, fences, billboards (which I spot over by The Windmill Shop), fireplugs (in Schreiner's and the Schreiner home yard?), and I see no street light! That Peterson's used car lot is huge! thanks, Joe. I love connecting to my childhood home like this, as I have lived far away for so many years now!

  2. I love this old map.

    The Pennys Department Store was such a wonderful place for children to play while their parents were shopping. I can remember hiding in the circular clothes racks, pretending that I was in a fort (as a child, I had a vivid imagination).

    I was so intrigued by the cash carriers that were used to transport a customer's payment from the sales desk to the cashiers located on the second floor (less than a full floor, actually).

    Here's a Wikipedia link that shows a cash carrier similar to the ones in Pennys.

  3. Was the Penneys Department Store the same as the major chain, J.C. Penney Department Store?

    I remember that Kerrville once had a Penney's catalog store. It was located on Earl Garrett Street, close to Mack's Ice Cream Store.

  4. Going to the Wikipedia link, I found an additional link that shows the exact type of cash carrier that was found in Kerrville's "Penneys" Store.

    It is called a Lamson Wire Line Carrier.

    It can be seen at this link:

  5. I remember Schreiner's Cash and Carry Grocery Store.

    It was in the days when the cash registers required the checkers to "key in" the price and category of each purchased food item. The checkers were fast, but it was still a slow moving task.

    Thank goodness we can now scan UPC codes.

  6. Often, at Penneys in Kerrville, the cash carrier would not be propelled all the way to the second floor cashier. It would get stuck about half way through its journey.

    The employees, on the first floor, had long poles that they used to free the stranded carrier and manually push it the rest of the way.

  7. Next to Penny's is shown a smaller building labeled "Macks". I seem to remember a snall news stand in that vicinity. Was this the "Macks" that later relocated over on Earl Garrett across from the courthouse?


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