
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Then & Now: Kerrville's First United Methodist Church

This photo, taken by Star Bryden, has several interesting parts.
The first, of course, is the beautiful church building.  Many people remark that this beautiful structure could have served some purpose and should not have been torn down.  This church stood at the intersection of Jefferson and Sidney Baker Streets.
The second is the roadwork being completed, as well as the newly rebuilt rail track.  These tracks went from Schreiner Street right down the middle of Sidney Baker Street, hooked across the block where the Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital until recently stood, and came to an end at Water Street, next to the Schreiner Wool Warehouse.   Funny, I suppose, that none of those buildings are left standing.
Thanks to Lanza Teague for sharing the Bryden image with us.
Click on any image to enlarge
First United Methodist Church, Kerrville, perhaps in the 1940s.
The intersection of Sidney Baker and Jeffereson Streets today.  Taken May 5, 2011.

To order Joe's book of Kerrville historical photographs, please click here


  1. That was a beautiful old church.

    A Boy Scout Troop used to meet there. I believe that it was in the 1950's or 1960's.

    Troop 1138 might have been the Troop number.

    The scout leader was a Mr. William Davis and the assistant scout master was a Mr. Wheeler Mosty.

    Those were two wonderful people.

  2. That is a beautiful church! I wish I'd been here to see it before its demise. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I went to Sunday School and church there as a kid. I also took guitar lessons there from Mr. Leonard

  4. Thanks for doing the good work of preserving Kerrville's history. Your love for our town is evident. Everyone needs a copy of your book for their coffee table.

  5. I believe it was Troop 132 or 138.

  6. There are those beautiful old railroad tracks running up Sidney Baker Street.

  7. That was my church. I was a Boy Scout there in Troop 125 met in the little scout hut out back. MYF in the basement. Choir practice upstairs. I was shocked when they demolished it. Remember the schism that tore the congregation apart. I became a founding member of St Paul's.


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