
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A new Fredericksburg book by my friend Phil Houseal

Though he's been writing a column for the Fredericksburg Standard for many years, to my knowledge this is the first book my friend Phil Houseal has written.  It's a walking tour of Fredericksburg, where he and his family have lived since 1980.  I've seen an advance copy of the book, and he's done a great job, pairing photos of historic homes and buildings along with a brief history of the structures.  I know I'd enjoy taking this walking tour to learn more about our sister city to the north; and I'd be entertained as I learned.
To order a copy, click HERE.  Supplies are limited, so be sure to order yours today. A version for the Kindle is also available.  Click HERE for the Kindle version.
Way to go, Phil.


  1. This appears to be a very interesting and informative book.

    I believe that I will order a copy.

  2. I ordered a copy of this book.

    When it arrives, I am giving the unopened package to my wife so that she can then give it to me for a Christmas present.


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