
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The mystery of the building that should not be there

I had seen hints of a building beside Pampell's in some of my old photographs of Kerrville, but I dismissed the hints because the building I thought I saw wasn't listed on my Sanborn-Perris maps, which go back to 1898.
Look behind the children on the bench in this photograph. You can clearly see the mystery building to the right of Pampell's, right in the middle of what will become Sidney Baker Street.
Children, on St Charles Hotel bench, Kerrville, around 1905


  1. wow cool. any idea the date of this photo?

  2. Pampell's had many simultaneous businesses within its walls: candy store, soft drink manufacturer, opera house, etc.

    Pampell's building is not large, especially when considering the opera house that was located upstairs.

    Could the mystery building have been part of the original Pampell's building?

  3. Probably lens distortion (depth). Notice that Water Street doesn't appear to be there either. Also back of the bench is curved downward indicating lens distortion.

  4. The saddle and harness shop, next to Pampell's, was opened by D.A. Pace in 1902.

  5. This photo still bothers me.

    I wish that I could find other 1905 photos that gave us a better picture of the building that was next to Pampell's.

  6. Are there any existing photos of the building, next to Pampell's, that were taken just prior to construction of the Bridge on Sidney Baker Street?

    Preconstruction, survey photos, that were taken just prior to building the bridge, may give a better view of the mystery building.


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