
Thursday, January 26, 2012

City of Kerrville centennial photos

In 1989, when the City of Kerrville celebrated its centennial, there was an historical marker dedicated at City Hall.  I remember most of these people (I was at the dedication ceremony), and the old tree which shaded us that day.  Many thanks to my long-time friend James Partain for sharing these photographs with all of us.
Click on any image to enlarge
Mayor Leonard Holloway speaks to the crowd.
What a cute couple.  Note the bow tie and buttons.
I'm guessing there was a beard-growing contest. 
What a lovely cake.  My long-time friend Brenda Craig is on the left.
Unveiling the historical marker.  From left to right: Hilmar Pressler, former mayor;
Clarabelle Snodgrass, historian; Leonard Holloway, the mayor then; and
Glenn Brown, the city manager.
The crowd that day.  Carol Nagle speaks.

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