
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Perhaps you've noticed a rarity of posts here lately.

There are two reasons for this:  First, my real job at the print shop got very busy and I found little or no time to post here.  I'm happy we're so busy at the print shop, of course, but I do miss working on this little "hobby" blog.

The second reason, though, might be more serious.  I have been thinking about what I want this blog to accomplish, about how people have been using the blog, and also ways to improve the blog.  If I'm being truthful (a rarity), I'm not exactly sure what steps I'd like to take next.

A trove of photos has come into the print shop since my last series of posts, so there is plenty of material to share, and I've made a few history "discoveries" while doing research for my column.  Material for content is not a problem.

I could use some help from those of you who enjoy this blog: in the comments below, if you have suggestions on how you'd like to see this blog proceed, please share them with me.

All the best,  Joe


  1. Your efforts in this blog are really appreciated, Joe. I like it especially to understand Kerrville/Kerr County history and culture as well as current events of downtown Kerrville. I wouldn't suggest any major changes. You're well connected here and you are doing a great job of keeping us updated on the revitalization of downtown Kerrville. There used to be a column in the Times that reported on new businesses but I think its author moved away. This is a subject you might like to consider.

  2. Joe, Your content is great but I have tremendous problems trying to comment on your articles and/or find comments from other readers. As an example, this is the second time I've tried to submit essentially this same information. Earlier, I typed in my info but when I hit "Publish" everything disappeared. Obviously it is mainly me. Maybe you could publish a primer on how to navigate your system. Capt Jack

  3. Joe,

    I once posted a genealogy newsletter, and it was exhausting to crank out that publication on a regular basis.

    That having been said, I should also say that had the members not shut down the genealogy society, I would still be writing the newsletter.

    It was demanding, but it was enjoyed by all who read it. Therefore, I enjoyed writing it.

    If publishing your blog is demanding for you, it is understandable, but please keep publishing, because we enjoy what you have to offer, and we enjoy it very much.

    Also, please remember that you hold the key to a great historic treasure trove. By giving you their historic photos and items, people the world over have designated you to be the “Keeper” of Kerr County’s real treasure - knowledge.

    Your readers thirst for that treasure in the form of the knowledge and photos that you share with us. If you don’t do it, who will? The answer is “probably no one.” We need you, Joe.

    Now, in regards to your question about the future direction of this blog, it is a complicated one.

    While small tweaks here and there might be offered, the truth is you are doing an outstanding job of "teaching" us the history of Kerrville and Kerr County. We learn something new with every posting.

    Here's a tweak - the photos that you currently post are a blessing to your readers, however if you could post more photos each week, it would be wonderful.

    If you have five photos from which to choose for a posting and you select one because of its clarity or content we will enjoy that single photo posting.

    But, the other four photos that were not chosen may have special meaning for your readers, too, even if the quality and content are not up to par. Perhaps, you could post all the photos.

    More photos would be “icing on the cake.”

    After reviewing what I just typed, I realize two things: first, what I thought would be complicated is not complicated, and second, I appear to be rambling.

    If my old English Professors read this convoluted mess, they would have taken me out to the woodshed, and given me a good thrashing. They were mean. It’s true.

    Red Skelton used to end his weekly television show by saying, “Thank you, and may God Bless.”

    I’ll end this by saying the same words to you, Joe.

    Thank you, and may God Bless.

    P.S. Actually, Red Skelton closed his shows by saying, “GOOD NIGHT, and may God bless,” but that didn’t seem to work in the sentence so I invoked “writer’s license,” and changed it. :)

  4. Capt. Jack,

    I recently had the same problem. The solution to the problem was to change from my Internet Explorer browser to Google's Chrome browser.

    After the change, the problem went away immediately.

    About a month after I changed browsers, I once again tried the Internet Explorer browser and it worked just fine.

    I have no idea why the IE problem developed or why it corrected itself.

    Perhaps your IE browser is in need of updates.

  5. Joe,
    You are doing a fantastic job. Please keep posting to your blog. We love it!

  6. To appease those old English Professors, I wish to make a change to my recent posting.

    I typed, "Now, in regards to your question about the future direction of this blog, it is a complicated one."

    Instead of "in regards to," I should have said, "in regard to."

    An even better option would have been to replace "in regard to," with "regarding," or "concerning."


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