
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Mystery: More images to ponder

I'll admit I don't have a good theory about three photographs in my collection.  All are taken of a parade, or rather, a trio of parades.  My best guess (with the help of many of you) is this: this was a Saengerfest celebration.  Saengerfests were German singing clubs, and there were many in our area.  I believe these three throngs of parading men were members of such groups, though the men on horseback, leading the parades, seem to be the same fellows.  I published close-ups of one of the images yesterday; here's another image, plus details from that image.  If you have any ideas what these images might be, please add them to the comments section below.
Click on any image to enlarge
The complete photo: a parade on Earl Garrett Street.
(When this was taken, the street was called "Mountain Street")
Here are some details from the photo.  I am hoping one of you will spot something that proves what this parade (and the image published yesterday) was about.
Crowd, in front of Schreiner's.  Note Star Tobacco sign.

This building was Self's Jewelers at a later date, but I believe this photo
predates Mr. Self's store, since there is no sign above the porch, and
no giant watch in front of the awning.

I think this fellow is Julius Real, who served as president
of the singing society here.
Also, the flag has 44 stars, which was in use from
1891-1896 after Wyoming was made a state.

The throng.  You can barely make out the Schellenbaum.

The New York Clothing Store is in the Masonic Building.
(Which now houses Sheftall's Jewelers.)
This was the site of the Post Office when Self's was next door.
Well, I hope one of you reading this post will help me figure out more about this photograph and the one I published yesterday.

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