
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Flashback: Mrs. Stevens' Starkey 5th grade class, 40 years ago

Here is a photo of my fifth grade class at Starkey Elementary School, taught by Mrs. Kathy Stevens.  Several things I notice looking at the smiling kids in this photo: there are a lot of us, 31 students.  We're all pretty nicely dressed up for the photo.  And all of us look like trouble.  Poor Mrs. Stevens.
Click on image to enlarge
Mrs. Stevens' 5th Grade Class, 1971-72, Starkey Elementary, Kerrville
Classmates, I'm going to need some help on this one.  Also, please forgive me for any mistakes I make on the following.  C'mon, it's been 40 years.
Standing, to the left: Mrs. Kathy Stevens
Front row, left to right: Dean Martin, Darrell Rollins, David Turner, Tommy Evans, Donis Rhoden, Joey Herring, Matt Mosty.
Second Row, left to right: Cruz Alvarado, Starla McDougall, Patty Clanton, Lori Jones, David Seidensticker, Mary Elliott, Julie Bernhard, Marion Schlunegger.
Third Row: Sheila Dimery (I think), Todd Hardee, ?, Mark Holloway, Laurie Weir ?, Steve Thomas, Andrea ?, Guy Overby
Fourth Row: Ray Hollimon, Linda Brown, Chris Parker, Vicki Conquest, Carvel Bernhard, Carol Neely, Charles Blackwell ?, Jud Waggoman.


  1. Hi Joe,
    The ? next to David Seidensticker is me! Mary Elliott. We moved when I was 10 in the middle of 6th grade so I didn't go to junior high or high school with all of you. Lost track of most everyone, but I still have this picture, and have looked at it several times during the years. I absolutely loved Starkey!

    Nice to see you on the web! I am a faculty member at Baylor, and currently live in Waco.

  2. Chris Parker, (not Stevens), is next to Vicky Conquest. Mark Holloway is in the 3rd row, striped shirt. Cruz Alvarado, instead of Alvarez. This is all according to David.

  3. Where s Earl Bernhard


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