
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Beautiful new 1910 image of Kerrville

This image of Kerrville was loaned to me by Julius Neunhoffer, son of the late county judge, and great-grandson of Senator Julius Real, about whom I recently wrote in my column.
Mr. Neunhoffer's grandmother was a student at Kerrville's Scofield School, a school for girls built here in 1909.  The school's building still stands on the hill at the intersection of highways 173 and 16.  This photo was taken from the balcony of the Scofield School, looking roughly north toward Kerrville.  A big thanks to Julius for sharing this image with all of us.
Click on any image to enlarge
Kerrville, taken from south of the Guadalupe River, around 1910
 Because the image is so large, and because I can only upload images which are fairly low-resolution in size, I thought I'd add some little images taken from the above photo, just as points of reference.

Detail, from photo above.  In order, from left to right, marked above:
Schreiner Company, Weston Building, Masonic Building, First Methodist Church,
Kerrville Roller Mills, and the 3rd Kerr County Courthouse

Detail, from above.  In order, from left to right, marked above:
Pampell's, Union Church, Favorite Saloon, St Charles Hotel,
Schreiner Wool Warehouse, Dr. Domingues' Office

St Peter's Episcopal Church, Tivy Hotel

Three Churches: First Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church, and
St Peter's Episcopal.  The little church between the Baptist and Episcopal: St Mary's Catholic

Tivy School


  1. Is the Dixie Theater directly across the street from the roller mills?

  2. This is interesting!

    I haven't lived in Kerrville in over half a century, but I thought I was familiar with every building in town.

    Now I learn that I am wrong, for I didn't know the old Scofield School building was still standing.

    Joe, would you please post photos that show the Scofield School "then" and now?

    Thank you.

    1. I'll post some images from the Scofield School in the next few days.


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