
Friday, February 10, 2012

By our own bootstraps

I recently found this program for the 51st annual banquet and membership meeting of what was then called the "Kerr Country Chamber of Commerce," a precursor of what is today known as the Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce.  Given the recent news stories about our present chamber of commerce, I thought it was appropriate to post this today.
Click on any image to enlarge
Program, Kerr Country Chamber of Commerce, June 5, 1973
Program, Kerr Country Chamber of Commerce, June 5, 1973
These old programs were printed by my father.  I especially like the boot which wraps around to the back cover as well.  The message printed on the front is especially applicable today.
The president of the chamber that year was William "Bill" Dozier, Jr., the publisher of the Kerrville Daily Times.  The executive vice-president was Ed  Phelps.  The board of directors included Ken Stoepel, Henry Weid, Harry Schwethelm, Mike Myers, Si Ragsdale, Jack Moore, John McCollom, Dick Saunders, Raymond Barker, Les Whitton, Naomi Ingram, J.D. Mahaffey, F. L. McKinney, Val Ellis, Glynn Donehoo, Ed Wallace, Dr. Sam Junkin, Curtis Edens, and my father, Joe Herring.
"All around the country, in cities small and large, Chamber of Commerce leaders are doing some hard thinking about the new responsibility of the Chamber, and how to o about fulfilling it..." wrote president Dozier in his printed remarks.
The Citizen of the Year that year was Gene Lehmann, awarded by the previous year's recipient, Joe Burkett, Jr.

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