
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More rare images of Kerrville's VA Hospital

When I wrote about Kerrville's VA Hospital in my Kerrville Daily Times column last Saturday, two history friends sent along images of the place from its beginnings.  Yesterday I published an image from the collection of Steven Meeker; today some images Julius Neunhoffer brought by, taken from a March 1921 issue of Grinstead's Graphic.
A big thanks to Julius for sharing these with all of us.  By the way, a film crew was at the Neunhoffer's place this week, shooting a segment for the Discovery Channel.  I asked him if he'd remember us little people when he was a big TV star.
Click on any image to enlarge

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Please remember this is a rated "family" blog. Anything worse than a "PG" rated comment will not be posted. Grandmas and their grandkids read this, so please, be considerate.