
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A fantastic find!

The logbook
Some very dear friends recently gave me a small book with the title "My Automobile."  It is wonderful.
Back when cars were new, and traveling in them was more of an adventure (with tire punctures, mechanical problems, and abysmally muddy roads), a book like this would have been very useful.
Think of the book as a pilot's log, or a ship's log.  In a way, the automobile opened up travel in a way that a ship or airplane would make travel easier.  To paraphrase the great philosopher Jack Sparrow, from the oddly compelling first "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, an automobile was "freedom."
This book was kept by Kerrville's Ola Gammon.  She and her husband lived just outside of town -- I suspect somewhere on Camp Meeting Creek, but I'm not sure -- where they raised award-winning livestock.
Mrs. Gammon begins her book with a description of her car: a 1913 Hudson Six, dark blue, which had 54 horses, could accommodate 5, and was purchased from a very young Hal "Boss" Peterson.
I'll be posting some of the images from the book over the next few weeks as we scan them and prepare the stories, but I wanted you to have a sneak peek at the book.
Click any image to enlarge
Ola B, Gammon, Kerrville, around 1913.
She was very faithful in recording her
automobile journeys in the book.
A very young Hal Peterson, who was 13 at the time;
he sold Mrs. Gammon the Hudson,
and taught her how to drive it.

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