
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The medical office and pharmacy of Dr. P. J. Domingues

R. J. "Toby" Jobes sent along these great photos of his grandfather's medical office and pharmacy, which were on Water Street, at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett (then Mountain Streets).
Dr. P. J. Domingues was one of Kerrville's early physicians, arriving around the turn of the last century.  He bought a home at 412 Water Street, and there opened his first practice.  Later, Capt. Charles Schreiner built a building at the intersection of Water and Earl Garrett streets which Dr. Domingues used as his office and his "Kerrville Drug Company."
The site of the old office and drug company was about where the flagpoles and parking lot of Bank of America are today; some of you (fellow) Kerrville old-timers will remember when the Charles Schreiner Bank stood on the same corner.  Here are some of the early images of that office and pharmacy.
Thanks again, Mr. Jobes, for sharing these images with all of us.
Click on any image to enlarge
Interior, office and pharmacy of Dr. P. J. Domingues, Kerrville, around 1910.

Exterior, Dr. P. J. Domingues office and pharmacy, Kerrville, around 1910.
Note the little wagon to the side; tamales were sold from this.


  1. I love these two photos.

    Thank you Joe, and Toby Jobes, for sharing them with us.

    Now, we all recognize the building in the second photo, however there was a time when Joe had us tearing our hair out trying to discover the history of the building. :)

  2. Was it ever decided whether the building in photo # 2 later became the Schreiner Bank Building, or was this building torn down and a different building constructed for the bank?

  3. Joe, how is your new book coming along?

    When will it be ready for purchase?

  4. The book is coming along fine, and I hope to be finished with it and to the presses by summer.
    As for the building photos above, I think the building shown in this photo was torn down when the Charles Schreiner Bank was constructed... but I could be wrong.


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