
Friday, March 16, 2012

A nice shot in downtown Kerrville, around 1917

The Domingues family has shared several images with me, and all of us, and I'm thankful.  This is one of Louis Domingues taken in front Dr. P. J. Domingues's downtown office.  The Schreiner store is in the background.  You can make out the word "Bank" on the facade, but I think by the time this photo was taken, the bank was planning a move across the street.
Click on any image to enlarge
Louis Domingues, taken in the 700 block of Water Street, Kerrville, 1917

1 comment:

Please remember this is a rated "family" blog. Anything worse than a "PG" rated comment will not be posted. Grandmas and their grandkids read this, so please, be considerate.