
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Update: John Tyler Page house

Several weeks ago I published a photo of the John Tyler Page House, one of the older residences in town (built in 1891), which was destroyed by an arsonist.  Since then I've received several other photos of the place, and I thought I'd share them here.
Click on any image to enlarge
The photo I published several weeks ago:
the John Tyler Page House, built around 1891.
From a glass plate in the Schreiner University collection; the
John Tyler Page House can be seen through the porch
of the Comparette House (which until recently was a restaurant).
Taken by Dr. Charles Gray, who was a neighbor to this house.
In fact, Dr. Gray was the one who noticed the fire and called in the alarm.

Dr. Charles Gray and friends in front of the John Tyler Page House, Kerrville.


  1. The second photo, (Schreiner University glass plate), looks different than the other photos.

  2. In reference to my previous comment:

    After re-reading the caption for the second photo, I realize that I was not paying attention to the typed words.

    The second photo is not a photo of the John Tyler home; it is a photo of the Comparette Home.

    However the John Tyler home can be seen, when looking through the porch of the Comparette Home.

    Where have I seen those words before?

    I apologize for my lack of focus.


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