
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kerrville Churches in 1899

Julius Nuenhoffer brought by a copy of the Kerrville Mountain Sun Christmas 1899 edition -- it was a special keepsake edition, and it's wonderful.  I thought I'd pull some of the images to share with you here.  Here are some early churches in our community.
Thanks, Julius, for sharing these with everyone.
Click on any image to enlarge
St Mary's Catholic Church, Jefferson Street, Kerrville, 1899

Methodist Church, Kerrville, 1899

St. Peters Episcopal Church, Kerrville, 1899

First Presbyterian Church, Kerrville, 1899


  1. These are great photos.

    Do you know where the churches were located?

    1. The Presbyterian and Episcopal churches were in the same location as present; the Catholic church was then on Jefferson Street, behind today's Cailloux Theater (Municipal Auditorium); later Father Kemper moved it to the corner of Main and Washington, and renamed it Notre Dame. The Methodist church was on the corner of Sidney Baker and Jefferson, where a Walgreen's drug store stands today.

  2. Is there a book that tells why Kerrville Streets were given their names?

    From the history that you have taught us over the years, Joe, I know why some streets such as Sidney Baker were given the names that they now possess.

    But, what about all the other "old" Kerrville Streets, where did they get their names?

    For example, why was Davis Street given the name "Davis?"

    1. There is no book that I know of, though I saw an old new article written years ago that give some of the names' origins.

  3. Thank goodness, Sidney Baker was renamed after our WWI fallen soldier. Most people would have a hard time pronouncing its original name.

  4. Street names? Wallace Street was so named for its Wallace Addition, and after my great uncle, Henry Wallace, who resided at the NW corner of Hays and McFarland.


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