
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Photograph stirs up controversy

Two former Kerrville mayors can't agree on this photograph of Kerrville. 
From where do you think it was taken?

Click on the image to enlarge. 

John M. Mosty was Kerrville's youngest mayor in history -- until I took office in 1992, at the age of 30. So we're a lot alike.  Like me, he's a Kerrville native, and we both have a keen interest in Kerr County history.  And we both have more than a "passing interest" in Kerrville politics.

John's dad took this photo of Kerrville after a snowfall.  I'm not sure of the date.

But John and I politely disagree about this photograph -- in fact, we're almost exactly 180 degrees apart.  I think it was taken from one side of the Guadalupe River valley; he thinks it was taken from the other side.  We've had discussions about this photo for several years now.

What do you think?  If you have a guess from what part of town this photo was taken, please leave a comment.

Also, if you could share this photo with your Facebook friends (there's a button right below this story), we could get more "eyes" looking at the photo, and perhaps we can settle this controversy!   Please comment below, or on Facebook.   Thanks!

Joe Herring Jr. is a Kerrville native.  You can connect with Joe Herring Jr. at

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