
Monday, July 26, 2010

Update on Photo Controversy

Yesterday I posted a photo about which former mayor John M. Mosty and I disagree.  Several of you looked at the photo and suggested it was taken from above Remschel Street in Kerrville, facing south, looking over the Guadalupe River to the hills beyond.

The original photograph, taken by John M. Mosty's father,
about which John and Joe Herring Jr. have a friendly
disagreement.  From which hillside do you
think this photo was taken?

Click on the image above to enlarge.

So today, following several of your suggestions, I climbed the Remschel hill and took the following picture.  For those who do not know, Remschel is the little street connecting Clay to Stadium; it's near Tivy Stadium, parallel to Sidney Baker street.

Taken July 26, 2010.  Notice the hills in the distance.
Do you think the view is a match?

Let me know.  Feel free to share this photo with anyone you'd care to, including your friends on Facebook.  (There's a button just below this story to do just that!)


  1. awesome. looks like it was taken after a snowfall, too?

  2. Just saw this for the first time but I do believe you have a match. The hills AND the terrain around them seem to be identical.

  3. I think I see another awesome book coming out in 2011!!!

  4. The comment listed above (Walt) hints that Joe published a book prior to the one he published in December, 2010.

    If that is true, where might I buy a copy of this book?

  5. No other books have been published; I think Walt (and others) would like me to do a sequel in 2011. Thanks -- Joe

  6. I greatly enjoyed your first book.

    Therefore, I cast my vote in favor of a sequel.


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