
Friday, August 13, 2010

A bird's eye view of Kerrville over time

Whether perched on top of the tallest hotel (before 1890, that would be the Tivy Hotel), or on the side of a hill (usually one south of the river), or, later, by airplane, shots of Kerrville from the viewpoint of a flying bird have been popular.  Here are some images from my collection of historic photographs of Kerrville.
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Kerrville, before 1890, from the balcony of the Tivy Hotel,
at the intersection of Tivy and Main, looking northwest.

Kerrville, from the cupola of the Tivy Hotel, around 1900.

Kerrville, from south of the river, 1903

Kerrville, about 1955

Kerrville, about 1960

Kerrville, about 1975

Kerrville, about 1985.

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