
Friday, August 13, 2010

Kerrville's water-powered mill

J. E. Grinstead, a turn-of-the-last-century Kerrville newspaperman, described the water-powered mill which once stood approximately where One Schreiner Center stands today on Water Street: “a modern roller flour mill, having a capacity of 140 barrels daily, and capacious elevator, which furnishes a market for much of the Kerr County wheat, and manufactures flour that ranks A1 with that made in other states.”
Charles Schreiner eventually owned this mill and it was used to grind grain, cut lumber, and later generate electricity.  Here are some images of the old mill.

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Kerrville Roller Mills, 1908

Mill Dam, Roller Mills, and Ice House

The same scene, on a Tourist Tumbler sold at Pampell's

An oil painting of the old ice house, by
M. Loys Raymer, mid 1970s
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