
Friday, August 13, 2010

Coolest Coca-Cola bottle ever.

A reader of my column brought by the neatest gift: a Kerrville Coca-Cola bottle.  For you youngsters, "Cokes" used to come in returnable 6.5 oz glass bottles.  This size bottle was called a "pony."  On the bottom of the bottle a place was always stamped.  We used to play a game to see who had the bottle from the farthest place.  In all my years of drinking Coca-Cola, I never saw a Kerrville bottle.  Until now.

Click on image to enlarge
A Coca-Cola pony bottle stamped "Kerrville Tex" from the mid-1960s

A Coca-Cola pony bottle stamped "Kerrville Tex" from the mid-1960s
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  1. I first encountered these bottles during my childhood when visiting relatives in Williamston, NC.

    We'd grab an icy one from a refrigerator on the back porch and then sit on the wrap-around front porch in rocking chairs, drinking and chatting with ancient great-aunts who were passionate about ACC basketball.

  2. I use to ride with my brother some 60+ years ago when he worked for Pepsi delivering drinks. The 'pony' size Pepsi always went to bars and taverns for mixes. Although Pepsi did have can drinks back then we only delivered bottle ones.


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