
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Louise Hays Park -- building a swimming hole.

I found another box of photographs in one of the seldom-visited nooks of the print shop this week; it was filled with some great photos.   Some of these images have never been published; most, when I received them, were impractical to prepare.  (I really love my new scanner which scans all types of photographs, even negatives!)  I hope you enjoy these.
These 4 images show men working to build what I assume was a swimming hole in the park.  I vaguely remember a diving board in this area when I was a child.  Of course, subsequent floods filled in the swimming hole with all sorts of debris and gravel.  The diving board is long-gone.  I thought you might like this glimpse of the work done in the park in the late 1950s.

Click on any image to enlarge
Building a swimming hole, Louise Hays Park, Kerrville, 1950s

Building a swimming hole, Louise Hays Park, Kerrville, 1950s
Arcadia Theater and Blue Bonnet Hotel in background.

Building a swimming hole, Louise Hays Park, Kerrville, 1950s

Building a swimming hole, Louise Hays Park, Kerrville, 1950s

The same scene, today.  Louise Hays Park, August 2010
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Please remember this is a rated "family" blog. Anything worse than a "PG" rated comment will not be posted. Grandmas and their grandkids read this, so please, be considerate.