
Monday, August 30, 2010

First Ever Photo Caption Contest

How about a contest?
It's my first "Write Your Own Caption" contest -- please provide a caption for this photo in the comments below.  (Comments on Facebook will not count in the contest, your entry must be in the comments below.)

I will be the sole judge of the contest, based on how humorous your entry is.  Please, no naughty captions -- this is a family blog, strictly rated G (or at worst PG).
Winner will receive a print of the photo plus the warm glow of victory and bragging rights.  Entries accepted through midnight, Monday, September 6th, 2010.
Good luck!

Click on photo to enlarge
First ever Photo Caption Contest.
Boys with firehose, Kerrville, late 1950s.
Click here to submit your entry!
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  1. Holy Inferno! With these buzz-cut boys, no blaze will survive!

  2. When your Fire Department's staffed by citizen volunteers, training begins early in life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "The principal fell asleep in the teacher's lounge again, let's get 'em!"

  5. "I told you Mom's chili was HOT!!"

  6. Hey guy, hope that is an underwater camera!

  7. Now where is the mean teacher? Shh there he is around the corner!

  8. Thoroughly modern bucket brigade in action!

  9. Little Men working hard at... playing

  10. But we saw smoke pouring out of the teacher's lounge!

  11. OK lady... where do you want this week's hamburger gravy?

  12. Little Men Working hard at....Playing!

  13. Get a good grip on that colicky mascot; I'm not sure he's gonna like this.

  14. Career Day 1954: The rest of the boys are in the "Cowboy" session

  15. Quick - gotta clean up our mess before Mom gets home.

  16. Innovative thinking in the face of a budget crisis in the late 1950s, led the City of Kerrville to hire a "non-traditional" workforce to fill positions throughout the city. Pictured here is Kerrville's "non-traditional fire brigade," which disbanded at the end of summer break. Enforcement of child labor laws eventually put an end to this experimental program.

  17. Even as a lad growing up in Kerrville, Chester Nimitz had an unusual fascination with water.

  18. Are we supposed to look like we're running in or out?

  19. "J-o-e H-e-r-r-i-n-g... w-e a-r-e t-h-e g-h-o-s-t-s of y-o-u-r p-a-s-t... remember when you shot us with your squirt gun? R-e-m-e-m-b-e-r.... Ooooooooooh..."

  20. A Kerrville Fire Drill. School was so cool back then.


Please remember this is a rated "family" blog. Anything worse than a "PG" rated comment will not be posted. Grandmas and their grandkids read this, so please, be considerate.