
Monday, August 30, 2010

New Photos from the 1950s of Life in Kerrville, part 2

I found another box of photographs in one of the seldom-visited nooks of the print shop this week; it was filled with some great photos.   Some of these images have never been published; most, when I received them, were impractical to prepare.  (I really love my new scanner which scans all types of photographs, even negatives!)  I hope you enjoy these.

Click on any image to enlarge
Is that fellow Gene Hutzler?  He'd better hope these 
Girl Scouts don't have a match -- he's standing in their fire.
Kerrville, 1950s

A group of boys with Fred Tally at Starkey Elementary, Kerrville 1950s.

Students with Fred Tally, Starkey Elementary cafeteria, Kerrville 1950s.

Something tells me this teacher has a wild class.
Tivy Elementary, Kerrville, 1950s

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  1. yeah, joe, that's my dad (gene hutzler). i have forwarded this to him too so i hope to find out what was going on here. thanks.
    cindy hutzler schindler

  2. Thanks Joe - I found myself and most of my very closest friends - I think I can name about 1/2 of the boys in the "Starkey on the Steps" photo you posted - don't know what grade I was in, but sure brought back memories.

    Steven S. Monroe


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