
Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Photos from the 1950s of Life in Kerrville, part 1

I found another box of photographs in one of the seldom-visited nooks of the print shop this week; it was filled with some great photos.   Some of these images have never been published; most, when I received them, were impractical to prepare.  (I really love my new scanner which scans all types of photographs, even negatives!)  I hope you enjoy these.

Click on any image to enlarge
Part 1 of a "Closed System."
Game and Fish Commission staffer dumps fish
into the Guadalupe River, Kerrville, 1950s

Part 2 of a "Closed System."
Bobby and Jimmy catch the fish from Part 1.
Kerrville, 1950s.  Go back to Part 1.

Louise Hays Park.  Note the boat ride concession and the
Blue Bonnet Hotel in the background.

Water Ski Show, with four skiing beauties, Kerrville.
There were water ski shows in Louise Hays Park in the 1950s.

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