
Friday, August 20, 2010

Peek inside the Schreiner Department Store Renovations

A few months ago I got a tour of the Schreiner Department Store building renovations.   Ben Modisett took my father and me through the building, and showed us some of the interesting finds the workmen have discovered.

Click on any image to enlarge
The passageway between the different departments,
with the stone walls exposed.

The initials C. S. on one of the building's stones.
(My father, Joe Herring Sr. on the left.)

The mezzanine exposed.  I remember they'd wrap Christmas Gifts
up there for you.

A beautiful archway between the Mens' Wear and
Ladies' Shoe Departments.

The Ladies' Wear Department.  This stone wall adjoins the old
Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital building.

Tunnel Clue No. 1, a ramp to nowhere.

Tunnel Clue No. 2, a passageway to nowhere.

Tunnel Clue No. 3, an archway in the stone -- at floor level in
the old business office area.
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1 comment:

  1. "Tunnel Clue No. 1, a ramp to nowhere," may have been a coal chute. Coal carrying trucks used to pull up to a street level trapdoor and dump coal into a coal bin. The coal was used for the building's heating system.

    "Tunnel Clue No. 3, an archway in the stone," is the clue that has my interest. That archway may have been the tunnel to the Schreiner Home.

    Please stay on the trail of this enigma.


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