
Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Rialto Theater and the 600 Block of Water Street

I am partial to the 600 block of Water Street in Kerrville, since our print shop is there, and I've spent most of my working life there.  But photographs of this block are rare.  Most of the action has always been down the street in the 700 block -- pep rallies, Pampell's, Schreiner Department Store and Schreiner Bank.  And so most of the photos were also taken in that block.
It's not that I'm jealous.  (Sniff.)  Here are a few of the images taken in our block over time.

Click on any image to enlarge
A parade in the 600 Block of Water Street, 1930s

Rialto Theater, 600 Block of Water Street, Spring 1945.
The old sign advertising the Modern Beauty Salon is restored
in our print shop -- it's an interior wall now.
Photo courtesy Lanza Teague

Rialto Theater, 600 Block of Water Street, Autumn 1946.
This theater was torn down by the Charles Schreiner Bank for
a parking lot, which my family now owns.
Photo from the Doyen collection.

Christmas Decorations, 600 Block of Water, 1960s
I remember these decorations.
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