
Thursday, September 23, 2010

A digression on the Linotype machines at the Kerrville Daily Times and Mountain Sun.

I recently posted some photos of the pressroom of the old Kerrville Daily Times, including this photo:

Linotype machine and operator, Kerrville Daily Times,
Kerrville, late 1960s
And then I ran across this snippet of a film -- about Linotype machines, and I thought it might interest one or two of you -- 

1 comment:

  1. I loved the old linotype machines.

    I love their sound and smell.

    I loved the engineering of the machine.

    They seemed so complicated, but once you were around them for a while, they were much less confusing.

    I loved them, and I miss them.

    I'm not saying that we should get rid of computers; heavens no, I would be lost without my computers.

    However, I wish that young people today could witness a linotype machine in operation.

    I think they would love it, too.


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