
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Photographs of the Schreiner Store over time

For many years, the Charles Schreiner Company was the economic focal point of our community.   Many community leaders also had their first jobs at the store, which operated in Kerrville for over 130 years.
As the old building is being restored by the Cailloux family, I thought it might be fun to post some photos of the building over time.

Click on any image to enlarge
Charles Schreiner Company, Kerrville, probably before 1890.

Charles Schreiner Company, Kerrville, perhaps around 1900.
From Lanza Teague's collection

Charles Schreiner Company, perhaps around 1900.  A. C. Schreiner among the men pictured.
From Lanza Teague's collection

Water Street, Kerrville, before 1900.  Charles Schreiner Company is on the left side
of the street, past the stone building, which I believe was the wool warehouse for a while.
From the collection of Lanza Teague.

Architects' rendering of the renovations of Charles Schreiner Company, Kerrville.
From the collection of Lanza Teague

Charles Schreiner Company, not long after the renovations.  Note the stairway down
to the basement along Earl Garrett Street.
From the collection of Lanza Teague.

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