
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kerrville gets a new bowling alley

I am hearing rumors that the public will soon hear about plans for the property at the corner of Harper Road and Junction Highway, which currently houses the Family Sports Center.
I found some old publicity photos relating to the opening of the bowling alley at the site -- the old Heart of the Hills Bowling Alley -- and thought it might be fun to publish those here.
I'd appreciate hearing about your memories of the old place in the comments section below.

Click on any image to enlarge
Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s

One of the modern amenities at the brand new
Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s

Publicity shot,
Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s

Publicity Shot,
Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s

Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s

Heart of the Hills Bowling Center, Kerrville, late 1950s
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  1. I just now saw these photos, boy did I ever spend a lot of time at the Heart of the Hills Bowling Center. I remember the great neon sign in the parking lot. Bowling was hugely popular on TV in the 60s and 70s and I couldn't wait to go myself. I was always bugging my mom to take me when I was in elementary school. In high school I was there every Friday and Saturday night. It was the place to be. Lots of good memories there!

  2. That's Tivy's Coach Tom Daniels sitting at the score table. The guy standing, but slightly bent over at the waist looks so familar, but can not place his name right off hand.


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