
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kerrville from unique vantage points -- late 1950s

My collection of historic Kerrville and Kerr County photographs includes a lot of parades, a lot of floods, and a lot of sports photos -- as you'd expect.  But occasionally a shot comes into my collection that's of Kerrville and the surrounding area -- but from a completely unique and new vantage point.   These two shots were taken in the late 1950s, both from south of the river.  I think these remind me how stark our area can be -- how dry and and remote.  We who spend our days nestled in the warm arms of the little town sometimes forget this fact: not far from where we sit, comfortable, and in air-conditioning, there are rugged hills, where wild things live.  To them, the little town is in the distance.

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Kerrville, from south of the Guadalupe, 1950s

Kerrville, from south of the Guadalupe, 1950s
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