
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Winner Announced: Photo Caption Contest

A reader reminded me I hadn't selected a winner in this week's Photo Caption Contest.  Sorry about that -- my "real" job took a lot of time this week.  

I've reviewed the entries and have determined by a still-secret algorithm that the winner is
Parish Administrator.  Her entry appears below. As always, the winner gets bragging rights and a copy of the photo.  Parish Administrator, contact me by email by clicking here, give me your mailing address, and I'll send out your copy of the photo tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who played this week.  I have a pretty funny image selected for this Friday's Photo Caption Contest!

Pigskin or pirouette? A perfect tour en l'air!
  • To share these photos with your friends on Facebook, click here. I really want you to share these images.  The more people who can see these photos, the better!
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