
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Winner Announced: Photo Caption Contest

Having a photo caption contest was a lot of fun.  I'm thinking about doing it on a regular schedule.

First, some background on the photo.  It appears to be taken at Starkey Elementary in the late 1950s.  The lad wearing the Chief's hat is Mike Whelan, and the one wearing the Fireman's hat is Mike Cox.  If you know any of the other boys in the photo, please comment below.

Mike Cox's sister contacted me for a copy of this photo for her mother, because Mike "was killed at age 20 in 1968 during the Viet Nam conflict while serving in the Navy."

Helping families connect with these images is something I never expected to happen.  I think it's very cool, and I was glad to make copies for Mike's family.

The winner is Suzee Q.  Her caption is below.   (Suzee: contact me via the email in the contact tab above; I need your mailing address to mail you your prize, a copy of the photo.)

Click on image to enlarge
"I told you Mom's chili was hot!!!"
Winner: SuzeeQ

Mike Whelan and Mike Cox, Starkey Elementary, Kerrville, late 1950s
I assume this was for a fire prevention campaign of some sort.
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