
Thursday, October 14, 2010

History Detective: does any of the old Mill remain?

The old mill in Kerrville was downtown on Water Street, about where One Schreiner Center is today, in the 800 block of Water.  I have a good number of photos of the site.  What I haven't figured out is where all of the pieces of the mill fit together.  Take, for example, this image of the miller working to clean the grates in the mill race -- this is a big structure.  At least some of it must still remain.
Cleaning the mill race, Kerrville, around 1910
One of my favorite photos in my collection.
 I focused my search on the giant curb on which one of the women is standing.  Surely something of this structure remains.
Detail of the same photo.
Here's a shot of the curb I found last Saturday.  Now I wonder if any of the grate remains, below the jumble of stones and roots.
A concrete curb I found on the river bluff last Saturday, October 9, 2010
 It's a lot drier at the site than it was in 1910.  Still, my investigation of the site is not complete.
A photo of all that's left of the old mill race.  Kerrville, October 2010

1 comment:

  1. This was a remarkable piece of detective work on your part, Joe.

    Congratulations, and keep up the great work!


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